A Well-Fitting Workwear Pant - How Hard Can It Be?
We’ve all been there: you’ve discovered the perfect-looking work-wear pant – they’re
smart, they’re tailored, and they fit the model like a glove. Then you try your size and suddenly your dream pants are missing the mark, which is in fact quite often and quite literally the case.
While fashion brands often claim to work hard on perfecting the fit of their garments, the common practice of fashion houses to focus on a size 8 model as the base for design and fit, can actually limit the success of their fit process as their pattern markers move up the size scale.
Pants in particular, present design teams with multiple challenges. For example, as well as the standard waist and hip measurements to consider, there is also crotch measurements and the various width measurements at the different parts of the legs.
Also, different bodies present their curves in different ways, so that even across a standard size 12, there will be women with more shapely hips while others will have a straighter hip-to-waist ratio and others still, will have stronger thighs, and so the possibilities and proportions continue.
“We aim to grow our garments in proportion rather than blankly following a standard rule, and our smaller production runs allow us to be more flexible in adjusting the scale of garments particularly at the upper end of the range,” says L&F Creative Director, Fleur Richardson. “Specifically in terms of pants, we assume a blending approach to maximise the success through the different sizes.”
“In terms of pants, we assume a blending approach to maximise the [fit] success through the different sizes” - Fleur Richardson, Creative Director
Powering up your workwear look therefore, doesn’t just start with making the purchase. Understanding and knowledge are key to facilitating the process. Achieving confidence in your style begins with feeling certain about a garment and its benefits. As with everything in life, knowledge is power so with this article in hand, shop with intention and clarity, and know that the perfect fit is indeed within your reach.
Pants That Fit & Flatter
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What Pants Will Work For You
Finding the most flattering pants for your size, height, and shape is one of the best things you can do to ground your style and send your confidence levels sky-high. But where...