Valentine's Day Dressing - Outfits For Date Night And Beyond
Put poetry in motion and spread the love far and wide as February's fashion spotlight turns to romantic dressing...
As part of Leina & Fleur’s commitment to sustainability, we applied to and qualified for the 2022's Green Friday initiative.
A 4-day event, Green Friday enabled Australian consumers to shop sustainable and ethical offers with consideration and mindfulness. The event featured Australian retailers and brands who had offers within the sustainable, re-commerce or the circular economy spaces. Green Friday provided a platform for L&F to showcase where we are at on our sustainable journey
It was an exciting step, a landmark on the map, and that’s not to say the journey is complete. For L&F the journey is still just beginning, and I say that even though it’s been several years since we put our first initiatives in place. But it’s a timely opportunity to share some of this journey and give you as consumers, a better understanding of some of the ways we are working to improve our sustainability and work towards a better future.
We keep manufacturing as local as possible to our base on the Gold Coast, with our producers being based in Brisbane, Melbourne and the Gold Coast itself. With our products created and made on our doorstep, we physically see the waste we create, which many brands don’t get to witness. It serves as a constant reminder of how much more can still be done!
That’s why I am often reluctant to showcase our sustainable profile, because while we are managing what we can and making inroads where possible, we get these regular reminders of areas that still need improving, and frustratingly, we’re repeatedly challenged by forces out of our scope of influence. Again, it comes back to taking action on what we can: we invested in automated cutting technology for example, which reduces fabric waste by 25%, we cap our product releases to sustainable targets and we don’t discard products to landfill.
That’s one thing we’re most proud of as a brand (and I’m more than comfortable to shout that from the rooftops!) - the longevity of our garments. 48% of L&F garments enter into a circular economy where they continue for two, three and even four life cycles through our resellers groups.
Sustainability for L&F is about ethics as well as the environment; it’s about contributing in a better way, to our world as whole. Sometimes it’s a daunting challenge! But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
We are prompted on a daily basis to address different factors and are constantly shifting our mindsets and processes to operate ethically and sustainably within the current environmental parameters. And as research continues and innovations develop in this arena, new and better concepts are always presenting themselves, and we’re ready and willing to pivot for positive change.
We hope you’ll be part of the journey with us, and support us in our shifts towards shaping a better future.
Best regards,
L&F Team
Put poetry in motion and spread the love far and wide as February's fashion spotlight turns to romantic dressing...
Streamline your wardrobe, streamline your workday mornings and save precious minutes to do something you love with L&F's Back To Work Capsule Wardrobe.
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